Kodi Connect

Kodi Connect | (CISO) Leaders of Cybersecurity: Canada | Virtual Roundtable

The new approach to efficiency

Information/Cyber Security

(CISO) Leaders of Cybersecurity: Canada | Virtual Roundtable

Event Date and time

Start Date and time

February 9, 2022 4:00 pm

End Date and time

February 9, 2022 5:30 pm

Event Location

The Venue

Event Details

*GIAC members can earn CPEs

GIAC offers its member CPE credits for attendance of all Kodi Connect Virtual Roundtables. One CPE is awarded for one hour of education, A certificate of completion will be available after the event ends. GIAC members should submit completed session certificates via the Certification Renewal Process (GIAC will provide you with instructions on how to submit within your account)



This highly interactive virtual gathering brings together 25 Cybersecurity/InfoSec Executives based in Canada.

Our attendees are representing a range of industries with a common goal to discuss challenges, ideas, and experiences.

This is not a webinar. This is a virtual meeting allowing participants to take an active role in the discussions, joining like-minded peers with a click of a button.

There are no presentations; The event is designed with the use of multiple breakout rooms, covering a variety of topics, and helping interaction. This is an efficient setup to truly discuss topics of interest, sharing your point of view, while listening to topic-focused valuable perspectives.



As an attendee for this discussion, the key benefits of your involvement include:


  • Meet with peers; department leaders from Industry-leading organizations
  • This is an end-user discussion with a skilled moderator – We have a strict no sales pitch policy
  • Gain an understanding of the current market on a prearranged topic and create a competitive advantage while dealing with change
  • Learn the challenges of others in this live environment, and build your network of peers with the ability to continue conversations after the session
  • No requirement to discuss anything confidential – this is a safe space with no recording


With a difference to other Zoom meetings, this event has a limited cap of attendees and requires approval upon registration, ensuring only end-user company attendance.


Criteria for attendance:   To help discussions, we ensure that all approved attendees are in similar employment:

✔ Currently employed by an end-user company that does not provide solutions to the subject field & works in an industry environment which is relevant to the event topic

✔ Chief, VP, Director, Manager position or suitable experience to allow experience sharing

✔ Internal approval should not be necessary for attending as ideas shared should be your own & do not reflect your company viewpoint


Please only attend if you are willing to join the discussion. This is not a listen-only event so we ask that all attendees join with video & audio and are prepared to interact.


Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need additional info: info@staging.kodiconnect.com

